Mondays -Fridays: 9:30am - 6pm (last session)
Weekend appointments upon request or for exceptional circumstances.
If you are suffering with a chronic mental health issue and need immediate help.
Please do reach out to the following helplines. There are excellent, well trained
people who can help even during the pandemic -
Samaritans - 116 123
Mind - 0300 123 3393
No Panic - 0300 772 9844
Papyrus (young suicide prevention society) - 0800 068 4141
ReThink Mental Illness - 0300 5000 927
- We are all made up of multiple and differing parts.
- Parts therapy is essentially about resolving internal conflicts within all of us. By resolving inner conflicts, clients may no longer feel ‘stuck’.
- The objective is the two parts (the motivating part and the sabotaging part) in conflict reach a positive outcome through discussion and ultimately resolution with one another.
Find out more by Contacting me on - / 07793144403 for a free consultation.
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